Content is often times the first thing that needs to be given some attention on a new client’s website. It’s what everything else that is done is built on. Creating good content and creating a lot of it is a definite win in SEO and inbound marketing.

Quality Content is Necessary For SEO and Inbound

It’s always been a good idea to create good content for your website visitors, but today the search engines have made it a necessary thing to do if you want to compete in the results. Websites can no longer rank well using copied, spun, or thin content. To show up at the top of the results, a website must have great relevant content. This really does make sense, because the goal of the search engines is to deliver the most relevant results possible.

Covering Your Topic Thoroughly

One thing that makes quality content is how extensive it is. If someone is searching for information on how to do SEO, it wouldn’t make any sense to return a page that only has 1 paragraph of content. SEO is quite an extensive topic, and therefore, the content about it should be extensive also. If you want to rank well for a big topic, you should have lots of content covering every aspect of it. That doesn’t mean that you should have all the content on one page, though. When dealing with huge topics, a good strategy is to create one main page that talks about every aspect of the topic in different sections. Each section should then link to a sub-page with detailed information about that sub topic. You want to show the search engines that the page you want to rank covers the topic thoroughly and that you have sub pages going in to detail of all the sub topics. This is often referred to as “siloing content for SEO“.

“Variety is The Spice of Life” – And Website Content!

Variety is always good, and different kinds of content can be very useful to your website visitors. Search engines like to see that you have videos, photos, and interactive content that is relevant to your topic. Sometimes different forms of content make more sense than others. If you have a lot of products that you are talking about, you should probably have photos of all them. If you’re making a guide or how to about something, maybe a video would work best. If you do create a video of you talking through something, make sure to either transcribe it yourself or pay for a transcription service so that you can have all the content in text underneath the video also.

Quality Content is Accurate

Search engines are always getting better at picking up on things like spelling and grammar errors. Try to proofread your content as best you can and correct these common mistakes. Things like blog content will obviously be a little less polished than other types of pages, but its a good idea to try to keep the grammar and spelling as nice as possible.

Figuring Out What Content You Need

Some industries are harder to write content for than others. Some are very informational and some are not. The amount of content needed to rank well and be the best resource varies from niche to niche. A good way to figure out how good you need to make your content and how extensive to be is to see what the websites that are already ranking look like. Take a look at the top 10 results for some relevant keywords and see what kind of content they have. Often times, you will see a very long page ranking well at the top with lots of content. You will also see pages with low quality or amounts of content ranking at the top in some cases. Most of these pages would only increase in ranking if they were to expand their content to increase pages that are already ranking well. If you want to rank better, you want to show the search engines that you are a better resource for the search query than the competition. Improve on what they’ve done, and always be better. Sometimes being better takes being creative and thinking outside of the box.

Looking for an inbound marketing expert to help you with your content marketing? Contact us today!

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